Saturday, August 20, 2005

Luke and Andrew

Luke's friend, Andrew, came over after dinner the other night for a short visit. They carried Luke's paints around the back yard for a bit, and made Tyrannosaurus faces for the camera. Luke won't let anyone come between him and the camera.

Saturday, August 13, 2005


Ever since I found out about the Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Resource Center in Woodland Park (about half an hour from home), I have thought "as soon as Luke gets interested in dinosaurs, we are going there."

I took his wanting to rewind over and over (and over) again the five minute dinosaur sequence in the Fantasia version of "Rite of Spring" ("can we see the Tyrannosaurus Rex die again, daddy? Please?") as my cue that he was ready for the dinos.

We drove up this morning, after a brief detour to fly our box kite. Luke was surprised that the place just looked like an ordinary building from the outside (he was expecting volcanoes?). I had to drag him out of the gift shop and into the museum (er, "resource center"; sounds like they are finding the dinos jobs or something), but once we were there, he was quite thrilled to see the big dinosaur skeletons.

A three-year-old is not the ideal museum-goer, as he tended to look at an exhibit for ten seconds, then run off to an entirely different part of the facility, play drums on the side of the platform, ask me to read the "DO NOT TOUCH" sign to him again, and duck out of posing for a picture, before dashing back to the first exhibit. But he soaked it all in. He generally resisted my efforts to show him things, and instead made up his own stories of how the bones in one exhibit actually belonged to an entirely different dinosaur.

We spent about as long in the gift shop as we did in the museum, then went outside with Luke's new Tyrannosaurus Rex (he'll correct you if you say "T. Rex") and our lunch (see illustration of both at right). Then he was ready to go back in again. It's not a very large place, but I was glad he wanted to go back in, as I felt we hadn't really seen everything.

After another half-hour visit or so, we were ready to go, making a stop at the Donut Mill before heading back to the Springs. Luke made his new enthusiasm official this afternoon by saying that he likes three things now: whales, bugs, and dinosaurs. I reminded him that he also liked guitars and drums, and he replied that he was talking about animals that he liked.

One final note: when I try and tell him that dinosaurs lived millions and millions of years ago, he asks "when you were a little boy?"

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Luke on the radio tomorrow morning

Luke's preschool class is supposed to be singing "This Land is Your Land" (presumably the original song, not the JibJab version) on the campus radio station, KRCC. The morning DJ's daughter is in Luke's class.

I believe it is supposed to happen around 10:00 MDT tomorrow morning, and you can listen (wherever you are) by clicking on the "Listen!" link near the top left of the KRCC home page.