Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Run, Sue, run!

Luke has a cold (as does Shanon; Nick is getting over his) and has been home from school the last two days. To kill a little time today, we looked at photos of Sue, the Tyrannosaurus Rex at Chicago's Field Museum, on the web.

They have this little flip book that you can print out, cut into pages, and staple together. Flip the pages, and it looks like Sue is running. Luke thought that might be fun, so we printed it out and he helped me cut the pages apart. While he talked to Shanon, I assembled the pages and brought it in for him to see. I flipped it. No reaction. "Isn't that neat?" I asked. "Yeah," said Luke, "but when will they start running around?" I think he thought each individual picture would run around on its own.

It's hard to compete with the internets.