Monday, July 10, 2006

More photos on dad's site

More Lawson boys photos on my dad's site.

Friday, July 07, 2006


Luke's new thing is rockets. He has been interested in rockets for a few months now, so the July 4th launch of the Discovery was a big event for us. We watched the countdown on NASA TV on the web until the network news coverage started. We watched the "backflip" before the space station docking. We read about rockets most evenings, and he watches the tape we made of the liftoff every day.

It's fun for me, because I'm learning more about rockets, too. I think I was more excited for the launch than Luke was. It can also be frustrating to read to him about this stuff, because he's almost exclusively interested in rockets blasting off. Not in space suits or satellites or Mars rovers. Space ships blasting off. His ideal book would be forty pages of color illustrations of rockets blasting off. Gets a little monotonous.

New photos on Flickr

Nick wants you all to know that there are new photos on Flickr from the last few months.